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From Our Family to Yours – November 2023

Wow! What a month!

We celebrated Elena’s 11th birthday with boba, ice skating, and sandwiches. While we were at the ice rink, Elena saw a figure skater who was a few years older and asked her for some advice about how to spin properly. She gladly obliged and gave Elena and the four other girls with her some tips and a demonstration. They were all excited to spin too, and the generous gift of that teenage figure skater was one of the highlights of Elena’s birthday.

There’s something extra special about sharing something wonderful from your childhood with your own children. I had the privilege of showing a house in Oak Glen, the land of apple trees, so we decided to make a day of it and go as a family. I have lots of fond memories of shaking apples off of abandoned trees and pressing fresh cider with my family in Washington, so I have a special place in my heart for all things apple related. We planned to try some of the famous apple cider donuts at Snow-Line Orchard and take in the mountain scenery. When we arrived, the kids tasted a sample of their fresh pressed cider, and they were so impressed with the flavor that we decided to go ahead and buy a $20 gallon. I remember tipping a sample cup into the stream of fresh cider flowing off the press as a kid. There’s nothing like it! I’m so thankful for the chance to share some of that experience with my kids.

In another adventure, we’re in the process of buying our first investment property in New Albany, Indiana. That’s right across the Ohio River from Louisville, Kentucky. It’s a 5-bedroom, Queen-Ann house built in 1929 with lots of character. We’re excited and nervous at the same time, and we’ll keep you posted as the journey unfolds.

We had a record year making 89 apple crisps to give away this Thanksgiving. It was a joy to connect with so many people. Bonus! I finally figured out how to use the Ryobi drill to help with peeling apples.

Baby Annaliese is extremely busy these days. Now that she can walk fast, she wants to explore every crevice of our house and transport our belongings to other places, especially our shoes. She enjoys looking at books and will sometimes sit still for us to read a few pages to her. We remain awed by her beauty and growth.


Thanks again for spending a little time with us. We are thankful for every one of you.

Blessings until next time! -Caleb