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Buyers are Finding More Success

If you’ve been saying, “I’d like to move, but I want to wait until things are less crazy,” this might be the right time for you. While the market is still quite hot, our last three buyer clients all successfully got offers accepted pret...

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Two-Minute Trick to Keep Resolutions

What influence would you like to have or change would you like to see in yourself or the world around you this year? Odds are good that whatever influence you want to have on yourself and others this year will require you to form some new h...

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Preparing Now for the Opportunity You Want

What opportunities do you want to have someday but are not quite ready for today? Do you want to start a business, or speak at conferences, or get married, or adopt a child, or help or encourage people in some specific way? You may not be re...

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Low-Cash Home-Buying Options

Here are some common types of loans with low down payments: Federal Housing Administration (FHA) 3.5% minimum down payment Generally can be combined with down-payment assistance programs Conventional 3% minimum down payment Gene...

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Use Your Words

At various times, strong feelings dampened my ability to think clearly, make decisions, and move forward meaningfully. Sometimes it was a memory of a poor choice I'd made in my youth that hurt other people. Sometimes it was a conflict with a fa...

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Staying Grounded in Overwhelming Times

As Covid-19 spreads through Los Angeles County and the rest of the United States, many people right now are experiencing fear and stress to varying degrees. Some are afraid of the virus itself, and others are more afraid of what will happen to ...

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