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From Our Family to Yours – March 2023

A lot has happened since our last newsletter. I’ve been co-teaching a leadership class at church, which has enlivened my soul. I love helping people grow and fulfill their potential, and I’ve really enjoyed connecting with some people who c...

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The Real-Life Power of your Imaginary Magic Wand

As we busily handle the urgent tasks in day-to-day life, it’s easy to jump from one activity to the next without imagining anything better than the way we’re doing what we’re already doing. According to Liz Bohannon in her book Beginner's...

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Power Up Your Life with Ideal Team Players

Ideal team players multiply great experiences and results in everything from romantic relationships to real estate renovations. The bestselling author of Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni, wrote a sequel titled The Ideal Team Player...

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From Our Family to Yours – February 2023

Happy New Year from the Hansons! Yes, we know it’s February already. We’ve been busy bees helping a lot of people with buying and selling homes during these first six weeks of 2023. Here’s the latest from the Hanson clan: Baby ...

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From Our Family to Yours – December 2022

Merry Christmas from the Hanson family! You are a gift to us, and we’re thankful for you.  It’s been a fun month here. The kids completed their first musical performances with Foothill Musical Arts. We’re so proud of their hard work a...

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My Top Ten Real Estate Lessons of the Decade

This summer, I celebrated my 40th birthday and the arrival of our new baby girl, Annaliese. These two big milestones got me thinking about how differently I see life and real estate now compared to how I saw them when I was still just getting s...

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Creative Financing Options

By Caleb Hanson and Paul Vachon - 10/10/2022 Buyers and sellers in the real estate market are looking for new options since interest rates on traditional, institutional loans have more than doubled in the past few months, causing the average...

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The Thing I Didn’t Know About Thankfulness

Shawn Achor surprised me when he shared that there are different ways to form thankful thoughts and that some are more beneficial than others. He’s a happiness researcher who was also the keynote speaker at our most recent national conference...

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From Our Family to Yours – November 2022

  Our newest addition, Annaliese, is two months old now. She’s growing well, and we’re enjoying how talkative she is. She had some serious colic for a few weeks, which was hard because she had a hard time sleeping and screamed c...

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